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Mensaje por Barón Samedi Jue Ene 30, 2014 11:13 am

Come little childrenI'll take thee away, into a land
of Enchantment.Come little childrenthe time's come to play
here in my gardenof Shadows.Follow sweet childrenI'll show thee the way
through all the pain andthe Sorrows
Weep not poor childlenfor life is this way
murdering beauty andPassions
Hush now dear childrenit must be this way
to weary of life andDeceptions
Rest now my children
for soon we'll away into the calm andthe Quiet
Come little childrenI'll take thee away, into a land
of Enchantment.Come little childrenthe time's come to play
here in my gardenof Shadows.Follow sweet childrenI'll show thee the way
through all the pain andthe Sorrows
Weep not poor childlenfor life is this way
murdering beauty andPassions
Hush now dear childrenit must be this way
to weary of life andDeceptions
Rest now my children
for soon we'll away into the calm andthe Quiet
Necart 4

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Barón Samedi
Barón Samedi
Brujos Chacá
Brujos Chacá

Mensajes : 28
Fecha de inscripción : 07/10/2013

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